Friday, March 11, 2022

03/11/2022 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn checked out a few areas on the east side today. With her binoculars she spotted a seal so she made the walk. There snoozing on the rocks was RK86 Kaiwi, ID'd by the small nb on her head, K96 tag and female belly. Marilyn stayed on site for about 15 minutes. Kaiwi is looking very healthy and its nice to see her on the east side.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:10 to 2:50 and there were four
seals on island today. 
At LPB near 1BS was RK37 Hui'a: subadult size, grayish-yellow female belly, two red tags and her signature nb on lower left side.
Near 3BS snoozing on the top of waterfront rocks was an U/J: juvenile to subadult size and brownish coat. Unknown gender or if there were tags.
Further down towards SRI was an A/F: adult size, gray female belly and one tag was visible there may have been two.
No too far from the A/F was an U/U down in the a tide pool in the rocks.  Marilyn never saw anything but the head and an occasional front flipper of this seal, so its size, gender or if there were tags is unknown.

Team R&B were out waiting for a seal sighting but they came up empty. Finally while standing on the rocks they see a seal coming in and they managed to get people away from the shoreline. Except there is always one, a couple who decided to stay and take pictures. The seal changed direction and went over the reef area, but didn't haul out. It wanted to haul out where the couple was standing. Team R&B finally convinced them to move.
Like magic RG28 Lefty came right in and hauled up on shore. He did his usual sand plowing and layed on his side for a nap.  Team R&B educated all the on lookers and called the hotline immediately.
They waited for a volunteer who arrived about 11:15.  That is when Team R&B spotted another seal
coming in.  They called out and got the signs.
Here come Aukai RL12 and she is looking mighty big. Suddenly Lefty went from a deep sleep to full speed ahead, following Aukai in the water.  A small fight started, some slapping between them. Then RL12 Aukai came in first and RG28 Lefty followed and they settled in.
They did their best to update all the folks they had been talking with. Everyone was grateful and thanked them for the history on the seals and about these two in particular.

Rabbit Island 
Aukai & Lefty
Not sure why volunteer needed to be so close
holy moly she be fat

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