Tuesday, June 29, 2021

06/29/2021 Tuesday (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

 Yesterday I went down to do a late afternoon check the fur kids.

RN58 Luana has finally started her molt, NO percentage yet just ruffled up fur and a couple of very small spots.
RP30 Puka was having a great time playing with toys.

This morning on D10 of her stay RN58 Luana was in company of RG28 Lefty - I checked couple of times thru out the day and nothing changed they just moved further near the waterline. Luana's molt hasn't changed much. Lefty could also be in a pre-molting mode
RP30 Puka was trying to rest in the back of Weaner Cove, in other checks he was hauled out. On the last one he played some and started to head to the water. Turned bellie up and went to sleep 
R407 Kawika has also spent over a week hauling out in the same spot. From downwind he smells strong, should be cracking anytime now
Last and very sighting was of R330 Squinty who has finally come back after a couple of months away.

I did a LAAL chick monitoring, they are adorable with their unique hairdos. We have a couple of fledging's already.   More soon - Be Safe ğŸŒº

Puka RP30
Albatross chicks going through that awkward phase

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