Yesterday I hiked to Hidden Beach and back with some guest we saw RL42 Leia and P03 Puka D21 having a swimming session, and further on in another spot RW02 PVKauai. I was having dinner when I got a call about an old seal not looking well - left my food on the plate and went out to look for it, ID and document before we lost day light. Turns out it was a very healthy, fat momma to be R303 BG, She's looking FAT and BEAUTIFUL, perhaps taking a break on her way to Ni'ihau.
Wow the trash left after a 3-day weekend was astonishing. I don't get it, is bring it - take it so hard ? It's unbelievable the amount of broken canopy structures and BBQs that are left behind. Very sad.
I started my day before dawn and at first light I went to check on R303 BG. She hadovernighted and was sleeping peacefully.
Next I checked on RL42 Leia and P03 Puka D22 - the sand on their corner disappeared over the last 2 days with the swell we've had. Mom did quite a parkour to get to the water. I wasn't surprised to see them later on in the day hauled out on the opposite side of the beach.
Later I saw RN58 Luana and RL98 Lina hauled out sleeping one on a coral reef and the other on the sand were they spent the day
Towards the point RG40 Holokai was in a tide pool, RO40 Ka'ena was on some reefs and rolled into the water were he stayed - happy to say he NO longer has the fishing line ball on the side of his face, RJ40 (F) was on some reefs sleeping, RH92 Nalani entered a pool with big eyes looking behind her were 2 other seals were swimming away after a lot of splashing, one was R3CX Nalu and the other was RL74 Kami - whom I later got a photo showing a hook on her mouth.
Later in the day I also saw RE74 Benny hauled out enjoying an empty beach.
More tomorrow - Be Safe 
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