Thursday, June 10, 2021

06/10/2021 Thursday Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies  are brought to you by Tammy, Gamma Gayle, and Team R&B💕.  I also have an announcement from Dana Jones of HMSPO.

In celebration of World Ocean's Day, HMSPO will have a booth at Sea Life Park on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 3 pm.   Please if you're in the area go by say hello, show your support and spend a little time enjoying the park!  You never know who you might bump into!

Gamma Gayle sent some photo of Kaiwi who returned to Kaimana Beach today. I think we can all agree Momma Kaiwi did a great job raising Loli'i P02 from a tiny baby into a big fat weaner!  Now it's time for her to get back to her normal weight and get ready for her yearly molt. He's going to be just fine. 

I am sure all of you have seen on social media and the news of the NOAA Team capturing the chunk ball and removing him from the beach. He'll be relocated to a less populated beach away from unleashed dogs, swimmers, paddlers and random pink floaties.  Be well Loli'i!  

Tammy did Ka'ena trek on her own today, which turned out to be a "who's on first" seal kind of day. There were lots of interactions and seals moving around, and to top it off some were not very cooperative showing enough to get positive IDs.  Tammy's first find was Holokai RG40. On a rechedk later in the afternoon he was gone.

Next stop was Mom RL42 Leia and Puka P03. They had just hauled out after a swim, and Tammy assumed next up was a feeding and nap. She didn't stay with them for very long.

Onward her next find was Kami RL74 resting peacefully. She still has a hook and a little bit of line on her left side, although Tammy was unable to get a good look at it.

Then there was a U/M at the runway. By location, male seal and at least one tag her best educated guess would be RO40 Ka'ena. But without seeing any positive markers he was reported as a U/M.

Once Tammy made it out to the point she found R3CX Nalu resting on the reef. She heard him bark

several times, and then to her surprise she saw two seals fighting in the outer pool. One was ID'd as PvKauai RW02 by his tags, the other seal was an U/M. It could have been either Ka'ena or RK36 by it's pit scar on it's back and both have been in the area.  After a little time a seal hauled into the channel, then dove into the outer pool. Lesley had joined Tammy at this point, both looked at the several scars but could not make a positive ID at that time. Sometime later Ka'ena did show up and hauled out into the same channel as the previous UM.   On her way out she stopped to see RL42 and PO3. And further down the beach she found Lina RL98.

Team R&B spent hours trying to figure out who three seals were at pokai bay today. There was one seal foraging close to shore and by the boats. Turns out this beautiful critter was Lei Ola, with her clean newly molted coat and tags.  The second seal was very small and green foraging near the jetty. Hmmm wonder who this could be?  None other than RL20 Kalua.  The third seal was RG28 Lefty who chased Lei Ola up on the rocks and stayed with her. He went as far as blocking her from exiting.

Kaiwi RK96
Holokai RG40
RL42 Leia and PO3 Puka
RL74 Kami
UM #1
Nalu R3CX
RW02 PvKauai
UM #2
RL98 Lina
Ka'ena RO40
Lei Ola RH48
RL20 Kalua
Lefty bugging Lei Ola
Team R&B finding fairy tern chick and parents

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