This morning at 7:15 am they spotted an seal swimming out of the outfall to the left. They were able to get just one shot of it's head going out. They hung around for a bit hoping it would resurface but they never saw it again.
While waiting they got word that Benny was at Paradise Cove earlier, but by the time they made it out there the critter was gone and there were over 65 people at the cove following turtles.
They saw two seals to the right, one on high rocks, the other was in a small pond sleeping soundly.
There were three women that came down in a silver lexus with their cell phones. They seemed friendly and asked if Team Billand was with the volunteer organization, they replied no they lived in the area. Team Billand asked them not to go near the seals and two of them decided to ignore them. After they got their cell phone closeups they left the area.
Shortly after volunteer Melina showed up along with another volunteer. Team Billand let them know of the the two seals and they had not seen Kawena. Team Billand stayed on with Melina and they were able to with some effort and patience finally ID's RH76 Kala. Now their next challenge was to ID the male with her and finally he woke from his slumber and they realized it was RH32 Ka'ale.
Just after 12 Team Billand arrived at plains and found a SRA in place. There was RH92 Nalani, she was resting comfortably. They were surprised to see her here, but better here than where she usually hangs out. She moved up shore when the waves were getting to her.
Team Billand spotted another critter to the right. When they looked closer there was Buster RV08. Team Billand called the hotline since there were lots of people out and about. Buster looks good but green and grumby.
Last but not least Team Billand found the lovely Miss Pohaku RO28. She was resting comfortably. There were some sea birds close to her, but she didn't seem to mind. Thankfully no one was around which allowed her to rest undisturbed.
UU swim by
RH76 Kala
RH76 Kala and RH32 Ka'ale
RH92 Nalani
Buster V08
Pohaku and her pukas
and a beautiful little saffron finch
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