A gathering place for Hawaiian Monk Seal Supporters & Professionals to talk story.
Report all Sightings to 808-220-7802 or email PIFSC.monksealsighting@noaa.gov
Today's dailies are brought to you by Lesley, Team Billand and Posse pal Anissa K. Lesley's update is part two of the dailies. Posse pal Anissa emailed Sadie sighting today in Hauula. She is looking good and I love that we continue to get updates on this beautiful seal. Team Billand did their usual seal route and the only seal they found today was Benny RE74. They found him at the westside location where he has been during his molt. When they arrived he was snoozing peacefully, way up by the bushes. Seems this beach is popular with dog walkers who chose to walk their dogs off leash. As a dog owner I understand what it is to give your dog some freedom, but it is of great concern when people think their dog is so well trained that it wouldn't bother a seal. Seals are stinky, dogs like stinky things, dogs are curious, seals are new to their world, so an innocent situation could turn bad in the matter of seconds. The dog may not attack the seal, but the seal could attack the dog, and who wants that. Okay that's my two cents.... I just hope people will be more considerate of the seals and more protective of their pets. When Team Billand came back to check on Benny he was not in the same spot. He had moved down to the shoreline. Waves were covering him, as he slowly made his way and left the site.
If you would like to submit information or photos please send an email to dabella50@gmail.com PHOTOS and contents may NOT be copied without permission.
Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕 They headed out early hoping to find some seals, but they didn't find any. While ch...
Blog Blues
I have been trying to fix the comment section that appear in the sidebar. Not sure if it's a programming issue or upgrade problem, either way comments will have to be viewed by looking at the individual post.
Mahalo for you patience.
If you would like to know more about PEIS for Hawaiian monk seal recovery actions... Please check out the following link:
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