Team Billand headed out early this morning and found Benny at 6:45 am on the west side. He was up against the wall, all tucked in snoozing alone. He looks like he had spent the night.
Benny was Team Billand's only find today. They searched their seal route until 2:30 this afternoon but all they experienced was big waves, and lots of busy beaches.

Marilyn checked some of the southeast quadrant today between 9 and 10 am, but came up empty. Then just after 11 she got a call to say there were two seals at one of the beaches. Marilyn observed the seals from 11:30 p 12:30 and returned at 2:30 for a quick check.
She ID'd RG28 "Lefty" by his male belly, cookie and shark scars on his dorsal and ventral posterior sides and by his G28/29 tags. Also his natural bleach on his left front flipper.

Both seals had to move up several times with the rising tide.
Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island between 12:30 and 2 pm. She spotted two critters today. On the sand near the 1BS was a juvenile female. ID'd by female belly, two tags and size. Marilyn never saw the small NB but still thinks this is likely to be RK37. She moved up and down the beach several times.

On the other end of the island on Rocky Right Beach she spotted an unknown unknown. She did see the belly of this seal but could not determine gender. ( If you can't see it's a male, then chances are good it's a female). The seal is juvenile to subadult size with a darker belly than some of the other seals. This is likely the same seal Marilyn referred to as an unknown female yesterday.
Benny RE74
Juvenile Female (RK37 ?)
RG28 aka Lefty
RK24 and RG28
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