Tuesday, November 19, 2019

November 19, 2019 (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

Another 2 in 1 mini report
Yesterday I went down to the beach an found an overnighted RW02 PVKauai then on a second check mid-morning I saw a seal hauling out down at CE Pt . It was R330 Squinty I saw him all day and he was still there at sunset.

This evening I went down at sunset and found RW02 PVKauai galumphing up the beach to the Naupaka line. Where he will probably spend the night.
By the wallows on the beach it looked like he spent the day there.

For the past 3 nights (including now) we have watched a fantastic show of lightnings out at sea. We also heard some thunder by far away. Had some rain last night and today most of the day was sunny with some rain in the afternoon.

I was told that there was count of 50 Albatrosses out in the NARS this morning !!  More tomorrow ğŸŒº

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