A gathering place for Hawaiian Monk Seal Supporters & Professionals to talk story.
Report all Sightings to 808-220-7802 or email PIFSC.monksealsighting@noaa.gov
Today's dailies are brought to you by Lesley, Team Billand, Tammy of Team T&D, and Melody. Lesley's Ka'ena update is part 2 of the dailies. Tammy went out today solo, she walked several miles on the north shore and her only find was RK80. She was at the waterline, and had most likely hauled out recently. It took her a bit to settle down and get comfortable. Waves kept hitting her hind flippers, she moved up the beach and finally settled in for a rest. Team Billand went out to the outfall this morning but there were no seals. They were told a seal came and took off, so they kept scanning ocean and they spotted a critter heading west. They headed out to see if they could catch up and made a couple of stops along the way with no luck. Finally they made a stop and there was a seal that just hauled out landed and resting on its side. They were able to ID Kekoa RK72. Unfortunately there was some dude right by him, Kekoa turned over to check him out. Team Billand stuck around just to make sure everything was okay. They had to leave for an appointment, the guy was still there. Team Billand did return later to check and Kekoa was no longer there.
Team Billand found Benny at 8 am in the same spot where he's been hanging out. He was snoozing up against the wall just like the last 3 days. He's looking quite cozy in his little spot. They spotted him lifting his head up looking around. Team Billand saw there were a few folks checking him out and Benny was well away they were there. He is looking good, no hooks, no new markers. Team Billand's last sighting was this afternoon on the west side. There they found Leia RL42 alone resting on the rocks. There was no one around to bug her, so as soon as they made an ID they left to not draw attention to her. In yesterday's news Melody found Rocky had hauled out in the afternoon, by her home. She was snoozing at the waters edge and there was no one around to bother her. Security was called for signs and Rocky was reported to the hotline. Melody had to leave for a bit before the signs had arrived and unfortunately when she returned shortly after there were several people standing over her. If that wasn't bad enough some parent decided it was a good idea to place their young child by Rocky's head to take a picture. Melody explained to him that he was putting his son in harms way and his response was of nothing to say and walking away. And still there were a few folks that remained standing right over her, Melody did her best to be polite and asked them to stand by her and she would answer any questions. Finally security arrived with the signs and they put up a SRA, Melody went down this morning before 7 am and Rocky was still there. She called the hotline. Rocky had moved up to the top of the sand by the morning glories. She snoozed until Reveille played and then she started moving around. She slowly made her way to the water's edge around 1030. Just when Melody thought she was going to leave, Rocky stayed for more R&R. She finally headed out around 2 and had not returned at sunset.
If you would like to submit information or photos please send an email to dabella50@gmail.com PHOTOS and contents may NOT be copied without permission.
Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕 Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:42 to 2:15 pm and there were two seals ...
Blog Blues
I have been trying to fix the comment section that appear in the sidebar. Not sure if it's a programming issue or upgrade problem, either way comments will have to be viewed by looking at the individual post.
Mahalo for you patience.
If you would like to know more about PEIS for Hawaiian monk seal recovery actions... Please check out the following link:
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