Before I get into today's dailies I want to mention an announcement from NOAA. Here is the link to the official announcemnt:
Many of you may have seen the news on social media, that we lost another precious seal. RL36 Makoa, Honey Girl (R5AY) pup from this year. That is three losses here on Oahu in a couple of months. There are probably more questions than answers, and I know I have lots of questions. I hope the powers that be will share information as it comes up and not be secretive so people can speculate.
Having said that, I have to say I am just numb! I of course feel very sad, but honestly just numb. Every loss feels huge when you/we spend hours/days/years trying to make a difference to help this species survive. When we have so few, we get to know them personally, we watch them grow, we watch them take care of their young and we watch them heal and survive the wounds that happen.
I know there are dangers and threats with disease, but honestly WTH is going on here? How do we stop the loss? How to we make the changes needed to continue to protect the species?
I may not get out to the beaches as often anymore, but I spend a minimum of an hour every evening for the last 10 years caring and trying to make a difference. It kills me to have watched R5AY lose so many of her pups, she has given birth to so many that are gone. What are we doing wrong that we can't protect her offspring? I just can't make sense of it!
BACK to today's dailies:
After leaving Nalani Team Billand headed to their next stop and found two males on lower rocks sleeping. They were able to ID Kekoa Alii RK72, RIP RR70.
Despite their searching for Pohaku and not finding her they did come across a seal foraging at Campbells. They could not get an ID but knew it was not Pohaku. The Unknown Unidentified U/U was foraging doing 7 - 10 minutes dives. Between the glaring sun and choppy water getting a decent photo was challenge.

RJ30 Wailea
RH92 Nalani
Kekoa RK72
RIP and Kekoa
Rocky RH58
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