A gathering place for Hawaiian Monk Seal Supporters & Professionals to talk story.
Report all Sightings to 808-220-7802 or email PIFSC.monksealsighting@noaa.gov
Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand, Lesley and Melody. Lesley's Ka'ena update is part 2 of the dailies. Team Billand headed out to check on Da Benny at 6:30. On their first stop he wasn't there, but after intently looking where he was yesterday there he was. Benny was snoozing up against the bushes. He was resting nicely despite the nearby footprints by human and dog paw prints. Benny appears to be 70% molted. At 7:30 Team Billand found Kawena RH32 at a different west side location. She was alone sleeping peacefully. Her tags were visible for a quick and easy ID. At 8:30, they found Lei Ola RH48 at another haul out spot. She was alone on the rocks getting splashed by the waves. The waves did not interrupt her resting one bit. On their last check Lei Ola was gone. Team Billand went back to check on Kawena just before 2 pm. She had moved to a small rocky, sandy patch. She was now in the company of Ka'ale RH32. Kawena was tucked between the rocks and it made getting her ID a challenge this time. But thankfully Ka'ale kept bugging her to the point where she smacked him with her snout. She was making it clear to bug off butthead. Ka'ale kept moving around her and finally he settled. Volunteer Melina had joined Barbara and they both decided the female was Kawena. Melody got a text this afternoon that Rocky had hauled out at cove 8 so she went to take a look. On the way she called security for signs and when she arrived there was Rocky laid out and her body half buried in the sand. This making it difficult to get a positive ID, Melody called it into the hotline as an UU. Rocky wasn't being cooperative since she wasn't moving much, except to slide down toward the water. A zone was set up, and some tattlers came by and pecked at her hind flippers until she flipped it off. Melody left after sunset and Rocky was still laying at the waters's edge. Once Melody got to check her pictures she confirmed Rocky's ID by the natural bleach on her left front flipper.
If you would like to submit information or photos please send an email to dabella50@gmail.com PHOTOS and contents may NOT be copied without permission.
Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕 They headed out early hoping to find some seals, but they didn't find any. While ch...
Blog Blues
I have been trying to fix the comment section that appear in the sidebar. Not sure if it's a programming issue or upgrade problem, either way comments will have to be viewed by looking at the individual post.
Mahalo for you patience.
If you would like to know more about PEIS for Hawaiian monk seal recovery actions... Please check out the following link:
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