Team Billand found RH76 Kala at a west side location. She was on the high rocks alone. She was very well hidden making it difficult to see her. But Team Billand with great patience managed to get a tag shot when she moved a bit.
While waiting for what seemed to be forever for another seal, and just about ready to give up, Team Billand took one more look. WELL ! Look at there was a seal in the shallows, hauling in, looking around. It's Lei Ola RH48! Team Billand was thrilled to see her since she has been MIA for a couple of weeks.
She is looking great, no new injuries, no hooks or lines. Lei Ola hauled right up next to RIP who was snoozing and he heard her sneeze. Maybe she was just letting him know she was approaching. RIP responded with a small whoop and then she came right up next to him on lower rocks.
RIP suddenly made a mad dash for the water hole and Lei Ola just watched him go. She was content right where she was.
On later check RIP and Lei Ola were still next to each other resting peacefully and RH76 Kala was gone.
RH76 Kala
oh my I hope that crab doesn't bite
Lei Ola RH48
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