Sunday, July 7, 2024

July 7, 2024 PART 2 Rabbit Island

Marilyn's Update:

I viewed Rabbit Island from Makai Pier from 2:02 to 3:51 pm. It was generally sunny with frequent passing clouds and moderate winds.
There were ultimately eight HMS, all on LPB, seen on RI during my viewing session.
When I first started viewing there were six HMS.

RH76 Kala and PO8 were again on the Lanikai side of LPB. They entered the water in the LPB surge channel and later hauled out and moved up the beach for a prolonged nursing session.
Near the middle of LPB were two seals:
RK37 Huia: adult size, completely molted, two red tags and a nb on her lower right side.
Unknown Adult 1 (UA1): adult size, golden belly (not sure if male or female) and two red tags. The behavior of this seal seemed like a male, but I think this is the AF I've reported recently. Very confusing.
On the 1BS side of LPB were two seals:
PO3 was alone when I started viewing. He is huge. I wondered if Aukai has weaned him, but see below.
Near PO3 was what I finally decided was an Adult Female (AF): adult size, older coat, pit scar on right shoulder, tan female belly and at least one red tag.
At 2:23 pm, RL12 Aukai hauled out to her adopted pup PO3. She herded PO3 into the water and they were gone for about a half hour. They then hauled out again and had a nursing session right near the AF.
At 3:27 pm I realized that what I determined to be an Adult Male (AM) hauled out to the AF. The AM had a dark coat and a dark male belly and I think two red tags. Both the AF and RL12 vocalized at the AM. Later the AF entered the water and the AM followed.

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