Saturday, July 6, 2024

July 6, 2024 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕  
(Happy Anniversary to Team R&B 💘) 

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:05 to 3:15 pm.  For the second day in a row she did not see RL12 Aukai and her adopted pup PO3. Since Marilyn only views the island for a couple of hours, they could be around but not seen during that time.

Ultimately there were six seals seen on island today. There was an Adult Male that managed to visit all of the other seals and in some cases multiple times.
When Marilyn started viewing RH76 Kala and PO8 were on the LPB surge channel waterline. They entered the surge channel and spent some time in the water. Then the Adult Male came along and RH76 hauled out with PO8 in tow. Marilyn did see RH76 vocalize at the AM, Mom and pup moved up the beach for a nursing session and snooze.
At about 1:30 om, TK37 Huia hauled out in the middle of LPB. She was ID'd by her 100% molt, gray female belly, two red tags and the nb on her lower left side. She was visited by the AM twice during Marilyn's viewing session.
A Juvenile Female was on the 1BS side of LPB: juvenile size, older coat, light brown female belly and two red tags. The AM also made a visit to her.
When Marilyn first arrived the Adult Male was with an Adult Female among the waterfront rocks between 1BS and 2BS. the AM was adult size, dark brown male belly and two red tags. He may have a scar above his left eye. He left the AF and went down and checked the 3BS and SRI area with no avail and returned to the AF.
The AF was adult size, yellowish female belly and two red tags. At some point she left the area between 1BS and 2BS and hauled out near the 3BS.The AM visited her there as well. Later, she left the 3BS area and Marilyn thinks she is the seal that hauled out and moved up into the dunes near 1BS.

Marilyn did have a quick visit with Rocky RH58 and her pup PO10. They were both in snooze mode during her very brief visit earlier in the day.

Team R&B started their day at Kahe and spotted a seal on its side, the seal was ID'd as R617. There were tourist in the area taking photos of the seal.  Then Team R&B saw RH32 Kaale, for some reason he got spooked and took off. They saw him pass by again but he did not land due to the snorkelers in the area. They did not see him again.
Always a joy to see the dolphins and they did not disappoint today. 

Last stop was at the cliffs where they spotted a seal, then a second and a third ! Jackpot!
First seal was RL42 Leia who recently weaned her pup PO6.  Next was her son RP30 Puka. Lastly was RH48 Lei Ola who is about 85% molted.   Team R&B didn't wasn't to draw attention to the seals so they did not stay long.

Rabbit Island
RH58 & PO10

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