Thursday, July 4, 2024

July 4, 2024 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, posse pal Justin and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:20 to 2:30 and there were four seals on island during that time. There was also one Kayak with a fisherman as well.
Initially alone on LPB were Kala RH76 and PO8. The pup nursed, snoozed and then Mom and pup entered the water about 1:50 pm. They hauled out again at 2:19 and moved up the beach. PO8 is five weeks old today and looking to have been growing well. PO8's ventral is molting to its gray phase and Marilyn thinks it might be a male.
At 1:22 pm RK37 Huia hauled out onto LPB. She appears to be 99% molted with just a small patch of old fur on her right dorsal side. 
At 1:25 om an Adult Female hauled out near the 3BS. She was adult size, yellow female belly and at least one red tag.
RL12 Aukai and her adopted pup PO3 were on the beach at Middle Cliff when Marilyn first arrived. But they entered the water soon after the kayak fisherman had walked by them. At 2:05 pm, they hauled out again near the AF. Aukai charged the AF who then moved in the Lanikai direction. RL12 nursed PO3 and then they went into snooze mode. 
Marilyn had been told that school children nicknamed PO3 as Kaiolohia, but..... seem Manapua is an appropriate nickname due his Manapua shape when viewed from behind and his biological mom is Pua RF34.
The throw-net fisherman in a blue kayak was on island when Marilyn first started viewing. A call was made to DOCARE and they sent an officer. Marilyn thinks they fisherman knew the officer was at the beach park and he paddled back and forth along the Baby Maks shore. Marilyn doesn't know if the officer was able to talk with him.

Posse pal Justin found RM30/31 Kai enjoying his tide pool at Kahe today. It was around noon and
Justin did call the hotline to report his sighting.  

Meanwhile a little earlier Team R&B spotted their first two seals of the day by the outfall area, taking fish. First there was RL20 Kalua zipping about, then came Kai RM31 barking as he passed through. He didn't stay long.

They spotted two seals at tracks from afar. They knew one of them was RG28 Lefty but couldn't be sure who the other was.  They hurried over and found, RG28 with R604 on shore. At times R604 seemed very alert and aware of the people around .

Then Team R&B went back to Kahe to the rocks and found RM31 Kai. He was resting and not being vocal, maybe he's grumpy because he's going to molt soon.  They did notice a small patch in his chin area.

Lastly they pulled over at Cliffs to view another seal, but found RH48 Lei Ola first. She is well into hermolt, although they couldn't see her belly. She had fur missing around and under front flippers, looking like a molting mess.
They finally found the seal they had pulled over to see. It was RP30 Puka!  There were so many people at all the beaches, that they were surprised to see so many seals today. They didn't stay long and called it a day.

Rabbit Island
RG28 & R604

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