Tuesday, July 23, 2024

July 23, 2024 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕

Team R&B started their day at the bay and found a very green male seal resting on the edge of the rocks. They were surprised to see it was RH32 Kaale. They didn't stay long in the area as they didn't want to draw attention to him or themselves.

Next they headed over to Kahe where they found a couple of seals.  There they were da boys: RL20 Kalua and RM31 Kai. Both of them in snooze mode.  They noted the sore on RM31's face still hasn't healed.

Over at the cliffs they found RP30 Puka. He was alone today resting on the rocks.

Lastly they spotted a seal from afar. So they drove over to yoks and found a very large male. He had two red tags and looking green. They suspect this is RW02 PvKauai.


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