Friday, July 26, 2024

July 26, 2024 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, posse pal Tracie T and Team R&B💕

Welcome back Marilyn and it appears the seals were happy you were back too. She viewed Rabbit Island from 1:33 to 2:53 pm and there were five seals seen during that time.
Initially on LPB was weaner T19 (PO8) on the Lanikai side of the beach: weaner size, two red tags.
Adult Female 1 was in the middle of LPB: adult size, new coat, light gray female belly and two red tags.
At 1:41 pm, chubby weaner RT90 (PO3 Manapua) hauled out to the AF1. RT90 was ID'd by his large weaner size, light male belly and two red tags. Ultimately RT19, AF1 and RT90 were near each other and changed positions.
Between Middle Cliff and 3BS was juvenile female RS12: juvenile size, old coat, two red tags, female belly and N3 applied bleach.
At RRB was Adult Female 2: adult to sub-adult size, old coat, mottled female belly and two red tags.

I received an email from Tracie from Picture Happy Photos. She was at Sand Island earlier and photographed RH58 Rocky and PO10 from around 7:10 to 7:45 am. There were both snoozing peacefully on the beach. 
Tracie had left for about an hour and when she returned Mama Rocky was gone. One of the DLNR folks was out on the jetty looking for her. He said when he arrived at 8:00 Rocky wasn't there.  They did not see her and although it was still early it appears Rocky has weaned her pup.'

Team R&B had a very slow day. They were out all day checking all the usual spots but only found one
seal. At Kahe they found RL20 Kalua alone on the rocks. He was snoozing away probably sleeping off his full belly.
While watching over RL20 they spotted a turtle. The poor thing has some serious tumors around its eyes.  So sad to see.
Although they didn't see any other seals they did see a good size pod of dolphins. 

Rabbit Island
Rocky and PO10

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