Friday, July 19, 2024

July 19, 2024 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B, Diane and yours truly.

Diane and I went to the pier to view Rabbit Island while the NOAA Team went out to tag weaners PO3 and PO8.  It was a beautiful day and the team was able to tag both weaners as well as bleach one of the other seals. All and all a good day!
An applied bleach of N3 was given to RS12, Sadies' daughter from 2023 born on Rabbit Island.
PO3 was the first to get tagged and is officially RT90 - tags T90/T91.
His measurements came in at 132 cm girth and 139 cm length.  Another way to look at it, he is 4 feet 6
inches long by 4 feet 3 inches around.  
PO8 is officially RT19 tags T19/T18. His measurements were 115 cm firth and 129 cm length.
I know Marilyn will be happy to have one bleached seal and the two weaners are now tagged.

Team R&B got word of a seal at white plains, but they were stuck in traffic and couldn't make it out to the site. So they put a call into their daughter and asked her to check it out and send photos. So thank you Jen because we are all happy to see RH92 Nalani again looking beautiful in her brand new coat.

Team R&B did make a stop at Kahe where they found two seals. They spent quite some time looking them over to get an ID, of course the seals did not move much.
Then they realized one was RM31 Kai. The other was a little tougher, no tags, some kind of bleach on hind flippers. They believe this is R617 another male about the same size as RM31.
And to add to their day they once again got to enjoy the dolphins.

RS12 to be bleaches N3
RT90 formerly PO3
RT19 formerly PO8
Team NOAA 
RM31 & R617

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