Tuesday, July 30, 2024

July 30, 2024 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:12 to 1:42 pm and there were five seals seen during that time.
Near the back of LPB was weaner RT19 (PO8). At first he slept right up next to the cliff. Later he moved down and entered the water at about 1:25 pm. A short while later he hauled out on the Lanikai back side of LPB and moved up into the rocks near an inlet. 
On the 1BS side of LPB were two seals:
RT90 (PO3) Manapua was ID'd by his pudge weaner size and shape.
Near RT90 was an Adult Female, that Marilyn has seen lately: adult size, new coat, light female belly and two red tags.
Between 3BS and SRI was RS12 Hoku: juvenile size, older coat with sark around under the eyes, applied N3 bleach, two red tags and old tan female belly.
Out on RRB was an Unknown Adult: adult size, older coat, no info on tags or sex.

On Marilyn's way home she spotted a seal on one of the beaches so she stopped. It was a sub-adult to adult size, lighter male belly with a fair amount of green and no tags that she could see. He had a superficial C-shaped scar on his left rear side.  After getting home and reviewing the pictures, she thinks this might be R7AF. He was seen in the area on the 12th and his ventral coloring looks similar. Although she should have seen tags which R7AF has.

Team R&B's first find was at Kahe. There was a seal on the rocks who they ID'd as RM31 Kai. They heard there was a seal that was hooked, but they didn't see other seals. They checked out RM31 and didn't see any fishing line or hooks.

Their next find was at the cliffs.  There was RP30 Puka in a good hiding spot in the rocks. He was very cooperative and showed his tags for a positive ID.

Team R&B spotted an adult seal from afar. The seal was at Makua
Beach area and was too far away for them to know who it was. Then they saw some people out by the seal, some took photos, but one person threw things at the seal.  So infuriating to see this and being so far away.  
They considered going out there, but the area is private lands, and they decided to not go due to the area being a little sketchy as well.

Then they came across something you don't see everyday.  There was a dog with a life-vest with his owner who was diving.  When the owner dives, the dog barks until the owner surfaces. Cute diving partner.

Rabbit Island
Unknown Male R7AF?
Unknown Male
diver's dog

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