Friday, July 5, 2024

July 5, 2024 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, Tammy and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:40 to 2:40 pm and there were four seals seen during that time.  
Marilyn did not see RL12 Aukai and her adopted son PO3, but she suspects they were in the water and if she had stayed would have seen them.
On LPB was RH76 Kala and her pup PO8. They had a nursing session near the waterline when Marilyn first started viewing, but they later moved up the shore for a snooze. Marilyn is reasonably sure PO8 is a male. At one point PO8
headed for the water and seemed to call for Mom Kala to follow to no avail. PO8 then galumphed back up the beach and after playing around for awhile went back into snooze mode. 
Closer to 1BS and LPB was RK37 Huia who has finished her molt. She is showing her shiny new light gray female belly and two red tags during a flipper flex.
Between Middle Cliff and 3BS was the same Adult Female that Marilyn has seen the last few days. Marilyn was no able to get very good photos of her today. The AF has an older coat, yellowish-gold female belly and at least one red tag and a scar on her ventral middle neck/upper chest area.

Tammy hiked out to Ka'ena Point today and found six seals. First was weaner PO6, who is a male. She found him belly up in shallow water. Next there was RL98 Lina back at her favorite beach. She was resing alone on shore. 
Albatross chicks are losing more of their down feathers and will soon fledge.
Next Tammy found R420 Kaipo alone up on the rocks.
Then she saw a seal just hauling out. She ID'd RN14 Kalani by his N14 applied bleach. 
RG40 Holokai was alone lounging and staying cool.  Lastly she found RT98 formerly known as PO4, she is looking healthy and doing okay.

Team R&B started their day at the bay. They were surprised to find RL70 Leina who was heading to the lower rocks.  There was one of the guys from the homeless camp nearby but he didn't stay around. Leina has started her molt. Her sides head and flippers are almost done, so her molt is going quick.
They also found R3CX Nalu. Looks like he had just hauled in and both his tags were visible.

At the outfall the spotted a seal, greenish and foraging off the outfall.
The seal appeared to adult to sub-adult size.

At another west side location they found Kai RM31 alone on the rocks resting. They saw two raw pink spots, it appears he may have started his molt on his chest area.

Last stop they found RH48 Lei Ola in the same area as yesterday. She continues her molt which is moving along quickly.

Rabbit Island
PO6 Weaner
albatross chick
T98 formerly PO4

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