Monday, July 15, 2024

June 15, 2024 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B and Rabbit Island Team (Marilyn, Diane and me).

Diane and I met up with Marilyn at the pier to pick up the scope and camera. While there we saw a total of four seals on island in the time we were there. 
Initially the two weaners were the only seals there, both on LPB.  PO8 was resting up against the rocky cliffs and was in snooze mode. PO3 was about 50 feet away up on the beach. He was awake and rolled around showing off his very large round body.
A unknown adult hauled up in front of PO3, this seal appeared to have a new coat. We could not
determine its gender, only that it had a newer coat. The unknown adult went all the way up beach and settle in behind PO3.
Before leaving we spotted an unknown sub-adult or juvenile hauled out by the 3BS. This seal had an older coat light tan belly with some green.

Team R&B had a slow seal day today.  While at the west end of the world, they found a seal sleeping alone on the rocks. They studied the seal and saw a tag but could read it. Then they saw a nb on left side of face and knew this was none other than R3CX Nalu.

At Kahe they were watching the big waves slam into the rocks. That's when they happen to see a seal flip flopping about on the rocks. They took a few photos but couldn't get any that helped with an ID. The deal got washed out, all they could determine, the seal was an adult.

Most of the areas they checked out were all about the big surf. Beautiful to look at but not good for seal sightings.

Unknown Juvenile/Sub-Adult
PO8 - PO3 - Unknown Adult
Unknown Adult
Big Waves

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