Sunday, July 14, 2024

July 14, 2024 Sunday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:05 - 2:37 pm and there were four seals seen during that time.
Weaner PO8 started at the back of Lanikai side of LPB. There was a throw net fisherman on RI, but he did not seem to bother the pup. Later PO8 moved down close to the water front rocks and seemed to play in the wave wash. He moved back up the cliff and was mostly hidden by a berm.
An Adult Male was on LPB when Marilyn arrived: adult size, old
coat, multiple pit scars, dark male belly and at least one red tag. There were pit scars between the shoulders, mid dorsal, rear dorsal and at least two smaller ones on the left rear side. At about 1:18 pm PO3 hauled out onto LPB. The AM galumphed over to PO3 and they nosed each other. A short while later, the AM moved toward the water with PO3 following and they entered the water at about 1:36 pm.  NOAA should be able to determine who this adult male is based on all his markers.
Later PO3 hauled out again on LPB and Marilyn got a photo of him getting tossed by the waves. He spent the rest of the time snoozing on LPB.
At 1:51 pm, Marilyn realized the AM had hauled out directly down from the 3BS.
At 2:14 pm, the molting Adult Female hauled out about 30 feet Makapuu side of the AM. The AF is now 99% molted with just a few tufts of old fur on he mid dorsal area. She now has a light gray female belly and two red tags. Not long after she hauled out the AM galumphed over to her and they were near each other for the rest of Marilyn's viewing session.

Team R&B started their day at the bay where they spotted RH48 Lei Ola. She was way up on coral rocks alone and snoozing. The waves were huge today covering all the rocks. Lei Ola is looking great .

They headed to town and decided to pay Rocky and her pup a visit. They were surprised that mom and pup had moved to the Waianae end of the location, high up against the fence.
After awhile they noticed P10 was on the outside of the zone/fencing. They immediately informed the volunteer who was aware.  Team R&B suggested they needed to move the fence so the pup could get to mom. Volunteer said there was nothing they could do at this time, mom and pup too close and they had to wait for them to move.
Team R&B have watched over Rocky for 18 years and knew she
would be moving up away from the big surf.  Plus there were so many people out there today, some people were not listening to the volunteer.  Team R&B spoke to the DLNR officer who went over to talk with the volunteer.  (Seems they have their hands full at this site).
Team R&B decided to head out hoping Rocky and pup could get some rest away from the fence and the surf.

Last sighting of the day were the dolphins out and about!

Rabbit Island
RH58 & P10

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