Wednesday, July 17, 2024

July 17, 2024 Wednesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B, Diane and yours truly.

I joined Diane at the pier today and we saw a total of four seals between 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. 
Diane first saw the two weaners apart from one another. PO3 aka blubber butt was to the left of the 1BS and PO8 was to the right side down on the water front rocks.
PO8 pretty much stayed there the entire time, on occasion rolled over.
At 12:05 pm a third seal hauled out next to PO3. The seal had a clean coat, with tags and later determined it was a male.
At 12:40 pm PO3 was playing in the near shore waves. He hauled out about 1:00 om and about five minutes later Diane noticed another seal had hauled out at LPB. This was an unknown female with a very new coat. Her very shiny silver gray belly indicates she is newly molted.
The Adult Male was very active spending time between the Unknown Female and PO3.  He interacted with both of them until he finally settled down with the UF.  

Team R&B started their day at the bay where they spotted a seal where Kala had been yesterday. But this wasn't her, this seal was an untagged male.  After an hour of watching and checking him out the waves got to him and they realized it was RG32. He had moved up and that's when they saw his applied bleach on his right rear area (just a line) no tags and his signature scar over his eye.

Next they went to Kahe where there spotted RM31 Kai coming up on the rocks. He was looking around and vocalizing loudly, as if he was calling out for other seals. But he was alone on the rocks, which the waves knocked him off of. He moved over to seal inlet and the same happened, the waves got to him.
He went up on the rocks, under a big boulder and was still barking. Then the waves took him away one more time and they didn't see him again.

Lastly they found RP30 Puka up in the rocks. Only his butt was visible, they did see his partial tag. They didn't stay in the area as they didn't want to draw attention to him.

Rabbit Island UF and AM
PO3 - blubber butt
PO3 & AM

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