Wednesday, July 31, 2024

July 31, 2024 Wednesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, posse pal Kathy O and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:50 to 2:40 pm and there were five seals seen during that time.
On the Lanikai side of LPB was weaner RT19 (PO8):weaner size, shape and color, two red tags and light male belly. RT19 is smaller than RT90 who was not seen today.
In the back middle of LPB were two seals:
Adult Female: adult size, new coat and two red tags.
Adult Male: adult to sub-adult size, tan male belly with a fair amount of green and several scars on the ventral side.
There were two snorkelers in the wave wash of LPB, but they never got out of the water.
Out on Rocky Right Beach were two seals near each other. Marilyn had a difficult time deciding on the size of them so she labeled them both as sub-adults.
Sub-adult Male: sub-adult to adult size, medium gray male belly and two red tags.
Sub-adult Female: sub-adult size, older coat with lots of green on the ventral, female belly and two red tags.

Posse pal Kathy is visiting Kauai and was lucky to have a seal on the beach by where they were staying. From her photos it looks like the tag is F30. Not sure who the critter is but most likely one of Kauai's residents.

Team R&B had a very slow day, they were out and about searching and chatting with folks but spotted no seals.
Finally at the cliffs they were thrilled to see one seal. It was a male, and thankfully the waves would roll him over. That's when they ID'd their boy RH32 Kaale. He is looking green perhaps ready to molt sometime soon.

The only other sighting they had today was unfortunately a dead shark. When they were at Kahe they spotted an animal floating thinking it was a dolphin, but when they spoke to one of the divers he informed them it was a shark
They informed the lifeguard, fearing it would bring more sharks in, but the dead shark floated further out to sea.

Rabbit Island
F30 on Kauai
dead shark

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