Thursday, July 25, 2024

July 25, 2024 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Tammy, Diane and Team R&B💕  

Tammy was out at ka'ena point today and saw a total of three seals.  Her first find was the newly molted RL98. She was resting comfortably on the sand .
Next was her daughter RT98, she was on the rocks. And lastly was a female who Tammy believes to be R418. 
There are just a handful of albatross chicks still around. With todays winds Tammy got to see some practice flaps.

Diane checked out Rabbit Island today and there were three sleeping seals on island. They were spaced across the island. One was one of the weaners labeled as Unknown Weaner on LPB. Diane couldn't be sure which weaner it was.
In the middle of the island directly under the 2BS was a female seal with at least one tag. Her coat looked older, with a dark mark on her right chest.
An unknown adult was to the right past the 3BS. It looked like the same UA from yesterday. There wasn't much to go on since Diane could only see the back of the seal.

Team R&B started their day at the bay and found RM31 Kai. He was below lower rocks snoozing and having seal dreams.
Also they were happy to find two additional seals. Towards the front was the lovely Kala RH76 and the handsome R617. They were resting and snoozing on the rocks peacefully.
They ran into Adam from NOAA out at the site checking out the area.

At another west side location they finally found another seal. On lower rocks was Nalu R3CX snoozing.

Their last find today was Kalua RL20. He was alone resting on the rocks. The boy is looking quite fat these days, guess he's been eating well.

OH last but not least I was in the city today and decided to detour and go visit with Rocky RH58 and PO10. There weren't many people around and apparently Mom and pup had been for a swim a little earlier. It was difficult to see the pup since momma Rocky was blocking my view and there was very little movement.  I wasn't able to stay long but it was still nice to get a peek at the kid.

Rabbit Island - UW
Rocky & PO10

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