Tuesday, July 9, 2024

July 9, 2024 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:35 to 2:30 pm and there were seven seals seen during that time.
Kala RH76 and PO8 spent much of their time near the waterline at the entrance of the LPB surge channel. The pup nursed multiple times and then would snooze. At several times along the way Marilyn saw the head of what she believes to be Aukai RL12 in the surge channel.
At about 2:00 pm Marilyn noticed Aukai RL12 and what she originally thought was PO3 move out of the surge channel and up the beach beyond RH76 and PO8. Kala vocalized at the two seal and RL12 turned and headed back to the surge channel alone.
Marilyn realized the smaller seal that had been with Aukai was not PO3. She later labeled this seal a Sub-adult Female. Kala was not pleases with the SF and the latter moved down to the waterline and entered the water at 2:08 pm. Five minutes later, what Marilyn thinks was the same seal hauled out on the 1BS side of LPB. She later showed her female belly. This seal is either a small sub-adult or a large juvenile.
At 2:25 om RL12 Aukai hauled out alone on LPB. So is PO3 weaned?  More to come.
RK37 Huia hauled out between 3BS and SRI just after she started viewing. She was ID'd by her adult size, new coat gray female belly, two red tags and nb on her lower left side.
On the rock flats near SRI was an Adult Female who appears to be about 30% molted. The AF is smaller adult size, the old ventral fur is golden in color, female belly and at least one red tag. The AF later moved up onto the beach.
At 2:19 pm Marilyn saw a seal moving up the SRI channel and haul out onto the beach not too far from the AF. The new arrival was none other than PO3 alone. He is really huge for a pup aka blubber butt. Of course between his biological mom RF34 Pua and his adopted mom RL12 Aukai he has nursed for over 11 weeks. So he ended up on the opposite end of the island from Aukai.  It will be interesting to see if he is weaned or taking a break.

Team R&B did their usual routine checks and only found one seal today.  They found Miss Lei OlaRH48 who is 99% done molting. She was alone in her pond cooling off.  
Along with Lei Ola they did see some dolphins.
Needless to say they were tired and disappointed so they called it day.  As a side note they decided to treat themselves to 808 Puffs, chocolate chantilly.... to quote them " break da mouth".


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