Thursday, July 18, 2024

July 18, 2024 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B and yours truly.

Team R&B had some appointments today, so the little time they had they made the most of it. They headed over to Sand Island to visit with RH58 Rocky and PO10.
They were surprised to see there wasn't anyone out there except of the volunteer. This must be a welcomed relief for the volunteer to not have to deal with the crowds. 
Rocky was nursing PO10 until the pup rolled on to his side. The kid is adorable (aren't they all) and getting chubby.
While in Honolulu they went and found some Fairy Terns. Team R&B has a deep appreciation for these beautiful birds.

I made a quick visit to the pier to view Rabbit Island. I was only there for about an hour and saw at least two seals possibly three.
When I first arrived a seal was just hauling out by the 1BS. After looking at the photos I believe this is one of the weaners. 
As I scanned the island on the far right side was a yellow kayak with a throw-net fisher by the 3BS. He eventually made his way across the island all the way to LPB. 
When I was watching the fisher make his way across the island the "weaner" had gone back into the water by the shoreline.
When the fisher made his way to LPB he climbed into one of the inlets. This when I discovered two seals in one of the inlets to the left.  The best I could tell one of the seals seem to be an adult and the other smaller perhaps a weaner. Getting the photos was a challenge because of the waves.
I did file a report with DOCARE and submitted pictures. Hopefully they were able to nab the guy.

RH58 & PO10
Rabbit Island - Unknown Adult & Weaner
Fairy Terns

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