Saturday, July 20, 2024

July 20, 2024 Saturday's Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕

Team R&B picked up junior sealette and they all headed out to Sand Island to visit with Rocky and PO10. When they arrived the place was packed with campers, people, kids at the wall.  They found PO10 and RH58 Rocky nursing on the Ka'ena end of the site.  After nursing they had a rest and the pup went into the water on its own. Mama Rocky woke up and entered the water.
This swim session lasted over two hours. They both headed out of the jetty one, swam out of jetty two. There were snorkelers right by the jetty. DLNR ran under the fence yelling to the snorkelers. It took a bit to get their attention but finally was able to get them to move. Its a good thing because Mama Rocky was watching.
PO10 tossed his hind flippers in the air, found something and had it in his mouth.  Then mom and pup moved to jetty one, in front of the people who were out on the rocks looking. The pup was very curious about the people.
When it was time for Team R&B to head out, mom and pup were still in the water but closer to shore.
Team R&B noted that the pup's muzzle is starting to turn whitish. Oh they grow so fast.

They headed to the west side and the only other seal they found today was Puka RP30. He was alone resting on the rocks. He is looking very green these days.
The west side was jammed packed with people, dogs on and off leash and more people.

PO10 and RH58

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