Monday, December 26, 2022

12/26/2022 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕

They started their day at secrets and when they arrived there were two seals on shore.  They were side by side one being RN14 Kalani and the other RG28 Lefty.  Kalani is still going through his molt, he is about 75%.
There was a volunteer on site with rope and signs up. Its a good thing, because there were lots of visitors. 
They hung around the area waiting to see if there would be any other seals. Sure enough about 10:52 here comes another seal. It was RL12 Aukai hauling in and landed near Lefty. He immediately went over to her.   And now there are three.

At another spot they saw a seal on the rocks, but there was the notorious homeless woman with her dogs. The woman went after Barb yelling some terrible things, so bad that tourist gathered. One woman called the cops and the homeless woman took off just as the cops arrived. They left without doing anything. Team R&B stuck around a little long to ID RH32 and make sure he was okay.
At another west side location there is a new homeless camp. Team R&B hasn't been going out there much lately, since this group seems to be there permanently.  When they went out to check today there were four seals. There was RL70 Leina, RW02 PvKauai in the playboy pond, and brothers RM31 and RP30.

Kalani RN14
RG28 Lefty
LEfty & Kalani together
Aukai RL12
RH32 Kaale
RL70 Leina
RW02 PvKauai
Brothers RM31 Kai and RP30 Puka

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