Thursday, December 15, 2022

12/15/2022 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕

They started by watching the dolphins. I have to say that must be so relaxing and adorable. 
They spotted RL08 on his side looking quite healthy. He is a big boy.  They hung out for three hours and watched as the Akule Boats were out laying their nets. They stayed because they say a seal in the water by the nets.  
While there they watched a boobie dive for fish.  They actually watched while a dog went diving. (no seals around).
They watched the Akule small row boat, lay the net. Then they picked up with net with Akule.  They saw the seal near the boat which they ID'd as RL20 Kalua. 

Later in the afternoon they finally found two more seals. There was Kala RH76 and Nalu R3CX together on the rocks in a pond. They were doing fine and then visitors arrived. Of course they went down to get their photos with the seals.  Both Kala and Nalu were aware of them, but were okay.

dog gone for a swim
boats and RL20
Nalu and Kala

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