Saturday, December 17, 2022

12/17/2022 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 2:55 to 4:05 and there were four seals on island.
All four seals were in a loose group about 50 feet Makapuu of the 1BSl
Unknown Subadult: subadult to adult size, two red tags, and she never saw the ventral side.
Adult Male 1: subadult to adult size, dark gray male belly, and unsure about tags.
Adult Male 2: subadult to adult size, medium gray male belly, and unsure about tags.
Unknown Juvenile: juvenile size, two red tags, tannish belly, but could not determine gender.

Team R&B spent most of the morning looking for seals and not finding many. Their first stop they studied the waters for a bit and once again the sharks were out there. 
The dolphins were also out, and thankfully they were further out away from the sharks.

They decided to check out Campbells and no selas there. There are so many memories of seals there in the past. Seals like Benny, Pohaku, M&M, and this where Team R&B first met RG28 Lefty.

Checking out secrets finally there are seals. There were two, Kekoa Alii RK72 looking like a big boy, and RN14 Kalani starting his molt. They were both high up near the naupaka. Thankfully a volunteer was on site.

They went back to some locations to double check and still nothing.
They happen to turn and spotted a seal hauling in. Of course it was coming in right where a loose dog and people on shore. They hurried over to find Nalu R3CX. They called the hotline to report. 
The next two weeks are going to be crazy with everyone on holiday vacation,

Next stop they walked around and didn't see anything. Checking the rocks over a little more closely and sure enough there was a seal hidden.
One and a half hours later, they ID'd RQ24 Mauna, he finally flashed his tags. Then the kid just left the area which was good because there were lots of people out and about.

Rabbit Island
RN14 starting his molt
Big Boy Club  - kekoa and kalani

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