Saturday, December 3, 2022

11/03/2022 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:07 to 1:37 and there were four seals on island today.
Alone about 40 feet Makapuu side of the 1BS was a Juvenile Male: juvenile to subadult size, light male belly and two red tags. He seemed to like to be near the big log that moved from LPB further Makapuu during the last big wave episode.
Down from the 3BS were two seals:
Adult Female: adult size, yellowish tan female belly and two red tags. She appears to be a healthy weight. 
Adult Male: adult size, darker male belly and two red tags. Could be the same AM1 from yesterday.
Near SRI was RK24 Wawamalu/Bruno: subadult to adult size, light male belly, two red tags and scar on lower left lip.
Marilyn saw one of the Masked Booby's near the crest of the crater. Also the sooty terns are on Rabbit Island and making their presence known.

Team R&B's first sighting today was at the bay. They found Miss Kala RH76 on the rocks. she was alone and peacefully resting.... for now.
Along with seeing Kala the dolphins were out having their usual fun.

Over at the outfall they spotted a seal foraging, off the outfall area, along with all the snorkelers and GoPros.
They ID'd the seal by his facial bleach on the left and ding on left shoulder. R3CX Nalu kept moving away from the area and continued to forage. Nalu never hauled out during their watch today.

When they arrived at the next site, a volunteer was there and signs with ropes were up. Thank goodness!!
On shore was RN14 Kalani, in the water and on shore was Lefty RG28 and Kekoa Alii RK72 having an argument. Eventually RK72 left the area and Kalani and Lefty remained arguing.  Lefty was having it out with everybody.
Then a fourth seal arrived, add RH32 Kaale into the mix.  He has such a handsome face. Lefty immediately headed over to Kaale and they had some words. Eventually Lefty, Kaale and Kalani all chilled out and relaxed.

Team R&B ended their day with a nice find. They were checking an area they normally don't see seals, its been years. They were about ready to leave and noticed a shiny animal on the rocks.  There was RQ24 Mauna, alone just relaxing. He is looking great, healthy, good weight and nice coat.  No new marks or signs of hooks.  It was a big thrill to see him so far out on their side, this is a first. He's exploring newer areas.

Rabbit Island
Kala RH76
R3CX Nalu
RK72 and RG28 arguing
RN14 - RG28 & RK72
RK72 leaves
RH32 - RN14 and RG28

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