Monday, December 12, 2022

12/12/2022 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:30 to 2:14 and there were four seals on island today.
Initially up in the dunes in the general area of the broken 3BS were two seals.
Adult Female: large adult size, light geay female belly and two tags. She later moved down behind the waterfront rocks and became partially hidden, but Marilyn could still see it was the A/F.
Then on waterfront about 30 feet Makapuu side of the 3BS was an Adult Male: subadult to adult size, dark coat, male belly and unsure about tags. He galumphed over to join the A/F behind the waterfront rocks. There was no interaction while Marilyn was watching.
About 12:40 another seal showed itself by coming down from the dunes, about 40 feet Makapuu of the 1BS. Unknown Juvenile: juvenile to small subadult size, two red tags and a light geat belly. But because of folds and seal she could not determine gender. 
A short time later she saw another seal on the 1BS of LPB. . It was mostly hidden behind the sand berm so this one is reported as an Unknown Unknown. It dis come briefly to the edge of the berm but then quickly deisappeared behind the berm. Subadult size, and yellowish tan vental side is about all Marilyn could report.

Team R&B went to sit on the rocks hoping to see some whales. They saw the Kai Oli Oli at a stop which peaked their curiosity so they went to look. They first saw a small animal from a far and a spout!   It was far away, but they were patient. Then the real magic began. Out of nowhere the calf began the show, then Mama jumped out too! They were breaching, there were folks on shore cheering and yelling out how much they love this.

Team R&B got word of two seals on shore at secrets. They headed over and found RK72 Kekoa Alii and RN14 Kalani.  RN14 has begun his molt on his chest.
They called the hotline and waited. They educated folks about the seals and thankfully people were
respectful. Volunteer arrived and they left the site for the day.

They were on their way to next stop when they got a text about a seal on the rocks. They went over and found RH76 Kala and a second seal hauling in towards Kala.  Here come R3CX Nalu, heading right for Kala. She knew he was creeping up on her.  
Nalu was happy to finally find her. being the typical male.

Rabbit Island
sneaking up on Kala

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