Sunday, December 4, 2022

12/04/2022 Sunday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by posse pal Justin, Marilyn and Team R&B💕.

Justin was on the north shore near turtle bay there was two seals. One adult male and the other was RG72 Lehiwa. A volunteer arrived shortly after he did and had signs to put up around the adult male who was ID'd by the volunteer as RK36 Kauai Kolohe (no photos unfortunately).  Lehiwa was ID'd by her flipper tags Q73/72. She hauled out just outside the signs set up around RK36 who apparently is molting.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:20 to 2:20 and there were four seals on island today.
Near the 1BS were two seals:
Unknown Adult: adult size, yellowish tan ventral side, unknown gender, two red tags. This seal may have a partial C scar on the left cheek. It could be the A/F she saw the past two days near the 3BS.
Nearby was an Adult Male: adult size, dark coat with a dark male belly and unsure about tags.
On the Lanikai side of the Middle Cliff was a Juvenile Male: juvenile size, lighter male belly and two red tags.
Between 3BS and SRI was RK24 Wawamalu/Bruno: subadult to adult size, light gray tan male belly, two red tags and scar on lower left lip.

Team R&B started out finding dolphins. There were lots and little ones too! there was a line moving fast and they were all just having another fun dolphin day.
Then they found Nalu R3CX was on the rocks snoozing. He was alone and resting peacefully. His natural bleach on the left side of his head was visible.   They spotted some kind of wound or maybe it was just the lighting. Maybe tomorrow they'll get a better view.

It was a slow seal day for Team R&B, the only other seal they found
was the little guy Mauna RQ24. He was in the same place as yesterday, but today there were people down near him, fishermen, kids and on and on.  They saw a fresh tako near him, question is: did he throw it up or did some person try to feed him?   Either way he was not interested in the tako and it just stayed there.

RQ24 Lehiwa
Rabbit Island
R3CX Nalu
RQ24 Lehiwa

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