Friday, December 2, 2022

12/02/2022 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:20 to 2:20 and there were five seals on island today.
Along the waterfront down from the 3BS were three seals. Starting from the Lanikai side to Makapuu direction there was:
Adult Female: adult to subadult size, light female belly, not sure about tags. Marilyn never got a full view of her belly or her rear flippers.
Adult Male #1: adult size, medium gray male belly and two red tags. He later moved down and cloer to the A/F and became partly hidden behind the water front rocks.
RK24 Wawamalu/Bruno: subadult to adult size, light tan male belly, two red tags and scar on lower left
Adult Male #2: adult size, darker gray male belly, unknown tags. He appears to have some scars in the midventral area.
Not far away and mostly hidden behind the waterfront rocks was an Unknown Juvenile: juvenile size, light belly, unsure about gender, and did not see tags during the flipper flex.

Team R&B went over to the outfall,  they spend time checking the water and initially didn't see anything. They stuck around and saw a seal coming to the Outfall, but it turned to eat something.  They realized it was R3CX Nalu.  He stayed around the outside of the outfall area, and never hauled out while they were there.
Then they saw something from afar on shore to the right. Tis the season, it was a xmas tree. 
The dolphins were out today.

Team R&B got word a seal had just hauled out at secrets, so they went to check. There were three signs up and the tide was coming in, so they moved the signs further back.
RG28 Lefty was alone today, enjoying the sun and quiet. He moved higher up to the bushes because the surf was coming up. They notified the hotline and stuck around.  
All was going well while waiting for a volunteer to arrive.  They waited a while and it seemed that no one was going to arrive, they were ready to throw in the towel. They went for one last check on Lefty, and there were two tourists were in the zone close up to the seal. Before Team R&B could call out to them Lefty lunged out at the lady, mouth wide open. The lady ran away and the guy followed over to the signs. They never read the signs, then came back on the zone and passed the seal again. 
Team R&B stopped them and asked if they saw the signs. They explained when the signs are posted they should stay behind them.  
The woman responded by saying she thought it was a rock. hmmmmmmmm 
Finally a volunteer arrived of course when it was over. They showed the volunteer the photo.
Needless to say Team R&B were frustrated.

Rabbit Island
R3CX Nalu
RG28 Lefty
oops !!!  Stay AWAY

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