Wednesday, June 22, 2022

06/22/2022 A Tribute to Benny RE74

 In their own words from Team R&B:

When we got word of Benny's Passing, we were in shock. Shock because we just saw Da Benny June 5th, looking very strong, was in cruiser mode, nothing out of sink.
What happened????? Human or disease or just old age?  Who knows.

We want to take this time to share our life with DA BENNY.
It began on a local beach, while fishing. He came up right in front of ME....and I went HEY, IM FISHING HERE!!!  And when I looked it was a seal, not a diver.

Couple of days later, Da benny showed up on the same local beach, with a female Lona.  We notified DB and sent in return DB told us the history of both animals...and ID the male as DA BENNY and the FEMALE was LONA.

That day, we fell in love with monk seals. And Benny became FAMILY to us over the years.
That male was STRONG, smart, fought Kermit for Irma at Plains beach for years.
Benny also was a romantic seal...always found the females....always.
One fight between Benny, Kermit over ROCKY at Windsock was SPOOKY!!  Both seals fought with all their mights for ROCKY. I'll never forget it as both seals bit each other, pulled skin even.

Benny like helping little 2008 he helped RW08 find his way to Kaena Pt...Benny escorted
Kerby in, fought Kaena to move out of the way for the new kid Kerby.  When we read Kerbys tag, we went nuts with joy and phoned DB to share the news, Kerby was alive and with BENNY.

Benny had a soft spot for POHAKU RO28 and would visit her all the time...during pupping and after weaning. He would FIND POHAKU and STAY with her. She didnt mind DA BENNY. I sware, her pup Nanea RL44 was HIS.
After Pohakus death, Benny wasnt the same and ventured to farther out areas...visiting Kaiwi and Rocky in Waikiki.

Benny had balls I always said!!  He would land on shore at Plains with hundreds of people around him, he didnt care.
Benny had some serious hookings that nearly killed him if it hadnt been for NOAA team, rescuing him.
Towards the ending of his life, we didnt find him that often...but he would check out Paradise Cove and Secrets for his love...Pohaku all the time.

To hear of his death, was a shock...Cant believe he wont be on shore any more for us to enjoy and protect.
Benny RE74 will remain with us, FOREVER. He was Family to us...the godfather of all seals.
I will always remember his posturing as he entered any beach...chest so high, eyes looking, looking for a love to rest with.
So long he can find Pohaku and Nanea and be in Peace.

I am going to include in this the time Benny was found in one of the small ponds/tide pools. He was there with his head in the water. At the bottom of the pond was a playboy magazine.... which is soooo fitting for Benny, hence the name playboy pond.  Of course Team R&B were there to get the photo.

Da Benny over the years:


Anonymous said...

Thank you Barbara and Robert for always being there.

Anonymous said...

Thank you again Barbara and Robert always for your aloha kokua your manao. We will retell his stories to keep him alive..and to Daña with the blog. A hui hou. Benny for sure