Thursday, June 16, 2022

06/16/2022 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team T&D, Diane and Team R&B💕.

In yesterdays news Team T&D hiked Ka'ean Point and didn't see any seals until they got out to the NAR. Ka'ena RO40 and Holokai RG40 were on the runway. They did see one seal cruise by and check out the area, turned out to be Nalu R3CX. 
After a while they did see another bobbing head, turned out to be
PvKauai RW02. Lesley was closer to him and got the ID.  Seems the males are in cruising/mating mode looking for the females. 
They saw Kami RL74 on the way out, and must have missed her on their way in. Once again Lesley was able to tell them the ID and where to find her. 
Along with the seals they saw an Albatross chick testing out its wings, and a Wedge-Tailed Shearwater with an egg.

Diane was out today and found RB12 Sadie, so we know she not one of the Rabbit Island Moms. Looks like Sadie has begun her molt so no pup this year for her.  She also visited RQ64 Laki weaner of RH92. The kid is cute chubby and a typical silly weaner.

Team R&B had been going along the coast line looking for critters, coming up empty!  The tide was super lower and the rocks that they usually don't see were showing. It was beautiful, sunny no waves. They didn't see fish, turtles or dolphins, very weird and eerie. 
Finally at noon they saw one seal hauling up on the rocks and vocalizing. It was their fat boy son Kaale RH32.  They could stay with him as they had an appointment today.

When they got back from their appointment they made a few checks and found just one more critter. There was RM30 Kai high up in the rocks. He was alone and snoozing peacefully.

Ka'ena and Holokai
Sadie RB12
Weaner RQ64 Laki
Kaale RH32
Kai RM30    RP30

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