Tuesday, June 14, 2022

06/14/2022 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕

Team R&B arrived at their first stop and waited around for what seamed like forever. Then out of no where came Kaale RH32, but after landing he was very vocal and moving all about, as if another seals was around. They looked but they never saw any other seals. 
Kaale left only to return and haul out again. A man walked within just 20 feet of him, Jaale was very aware of the guy, who thankfully left.

When they arrived at another west side location it took them a while
to find the little bugga. RP30 Puka was way out in a good safe spot. He was alone once again. Wonder if he's getting ready to molt.

They got a call from a friend informing them a little seal was taking her husband's fish. They went to check to see which thief was responsible.
On oceanside was RL20 Kalua back home in a school of akule. He was also stealing fish, which is so wrong! As much as its not good, it
is kind of interesting on how smart they are. The fishermen were frantically reeling their lines in trying to beat RL20 from stealing their catch. They heard one of the fishers caught 13 fish, RL20 got 12 and he got one. 

They didn't see many seals but were treated to the dolphins at play early in the morning.  So amazing watching them leaping out of the water.

RH32 Kaale
RP30 Puka
RL20 Kalua
Fishermen reeling their lines
dolphins and more dolphins

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