Monday, June 20, 2022

06/20/2022 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:35 to 3:05 and there were the two moms and their pups. Today they were not as close to each other as they have been the past few days.
MO7-PO7 were near the rock flats on the Lanikai side of LPB. Marilyn did not see PO7 nurse during her observation time. Both mom and pup seem to be doing fine.
MO6-PO6 started out waterfront rocks of LPB and later moved up on the beach. PO6 did nurse for most of the time time they were on the beach. PO6 is 2 weeks old today.

Team R&B stayed out at their first stop forever, waiting for seals. FINALLY, they spotted Kaale passing
by in the water. 
Then they spot a green smaller seal hauling up. It was RL20 Kalua. Then of course fat boy Kaale RH32 popped out with Kalua RL20. They had a few words and then settled down for a rest.

Next at another west side location to their delight they found RM31. He was alone on lower rocks this morning. There was no sign of his brother Puka today.

Lastly they arrived at another location and spotted a green seal sleeping on the edge of the rocks. Thankfully the tags were showing and it was RL70 Leina. 

Their last finds of the day were RL42 Leia with RN14 Kalani on shore. They were in the same spot. Unfortunately there was a family with screaming children next to the seals.  The seals were aware and alert to the noise.

Rabbit Island
Kaale & RL20
RM31 Kai
RL70 Leina
RL42 Leia
RN14 Kalani
Kalani and RL42

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