Friday, June 17, 2022

06/17/2022 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Diane, Marilyn and Team R&B💕  ALSO we have a correction to make from yesterday. I mentioned Team R&B saw Kai RM30, when in fact it was RP30 Puka.  

Diane hiked Ka'ena Point with Lesley and they found six seals, most were sleeping. The only excitement was when RW02 PvKauai came by to check on weaner RQ24. I guess since the kid isn't a female he moved on quickly.  The other seals they saw today was R3CX Nalu, R330 Squinty, RG40 Holokai and RL74 Kami. 

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 10:20 to 11:20 and then again at 3:45 to 4:30. The afternoon session
was better viewing because of better lighting and higher tide. 
The only seals on island today were Mom and Pup pairs.  (Rabbit Island has become maternity ward island).
MO7-PO7 were further Lanikai side of LPB. PO7 seemed to enjoy venturing away from its Mom (MO7).
MO6-PO6 were more in the middle of LPB in the afternoon. PO6 spent most of it's time nursing in the afternoon session.

Team R&B headed out and spotted a seal right away on the the rocks.
They hurried out but by the time they got there the seal left. They did see one bobbing head and followed it. The bobbing head turned out to be none other than Kaale RH32. He eventually landed on lower rocks.
Then they see another head, smaller seal that landed to the right of seal inlet. It was RP30 Puka. He was very cautious but very adorable.

After an appointment, they returned to check on Kaale and Puka.  When they got there Kaale RH32 was now in hot pursuit of RL70 Leina. To quote Barbara "that butthead kept after her" Leina kept moving away on the rocks, but Kaale doesn't give up easy.
Little Puka remained minding his own business.

Last stop they see two seals snoozing. One between the rocks and the other on the pebbles. It took them a while to get the ID. Finally after 45 minutes RN14 Kalani galumphed higher up and they got their positive ID.
The other seal stayed in one spot, one red tag and a half cc on his chest.  They did some checking and was able to verify this was R3CU.

Nalu R3CX
Squinty R330
RG40 Holokai
RL74 Kami
RQ24 Mauna
RW02 and RQ24
RW02 moving on
Rabbit Island
RP30 Puka
Kaale chasing Leina RL70
Puka minding his business
RN14 Kalani

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