Wednesday, June 15, 2022

06/15/2022 Wednesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕.
Also thanks to Dana for reminding me that today is Kawena RH36 Birthday!  She is six years old and it Kaiwi's first pup and the infamous Irma's grandchild.

Team R&B arrived at a west side location and found the cutest two seals side by side. There was Lei Ola RH48 next to RP30 Puka snoozing together peacefully.
That didn't last for long, Lei Ola perked up and looked down and out of nowhere popped RN14 Kalani.
He chased Lei Ola over the rocks and barked at little Puka. Lei Ola "ran" galumphed really really fast on the rocks to get away. But Kalani being a jerk persisted and went after her. Finally Puka RP30 went to high rocks and away from the drama.  Lei Ola made it over and Kalani settled down by her.

Next from a far they noticed the seal coming up. There were so many tourist that Team R&B hesitated to head over to check, so they waited patiently.
The dolphins arrived and the tourist went nuts, yelling and running over to get in the water to swim with them. This was the break Team R&B needed. There in the shallows was KG54 Huakai. She is sleek and very smooth and clean. They saw her tags, small gill like scars on her face and the half CC scar on her butt area.
A friend of theirs arrived to get a look at her, Team R&B told her what they knew of KG54. She was impressed (as many of us are) with how far this female traveled to get to Oahu.

Team R&B returned to where Lei Ola, Kalani and Puka had been. Kalani RN14 was in the shallows and he left. RP30 Puka was not there anymore. Lei Ola RH48 was still there and alone. AND now RL70 was there on water front rocks.

At another location from afar they saw a fisher next to a seal. So they did the long hot walk to the site and found RN04 Kainoa.  They were happy to make the ID!

Marilyn had a very long and busy day, but she managed to view Rabbit Island from 2:30 - 3:30 and there were five seals during observation. All five seals were on LPB.
Furthest toward the rock flats on the Lanikai side of LPB was MO7 and PO7. At one point PO7 headed on its own for the water and got washed a few times, then headed back for Mom. A short time later PO7 headed for MO6 & PO6. As he got closer to MO6, Momma MO7 barked and the kid returned to momma.
About 50 feet in the 1BS direction was MO6&PO6. PO6 spent much of its time nursing behind MO6 during the time Marilyn was there.
A short distance further was an Adult Male - adult size, dark male belly and two red tags.

Marilyn saw two guys on Rabbit Island in the RRB area and beyond. While she was observing them, MO7 and PO7 moved over between MO6 and PO6 and the AM. Then PO7 moved over behind MO6 and finally back to Mom MO7.
This is going to get interesting but thankfully the pups are just a day or two apart, so if there is a switch they should continue to get the nourishment they need.

Happy 6th Birthday Kawena RH36 - pic 6/15/16 with momma Kaiwi
RH48 and RP30
RN14 going after RH48
RN04 Kainoa
Rabbit Island - Two Moms - Two Pups & an Adult Male

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