Friday, December 31, 2021

December 31, 2021 A New Year and An Old Friend

I can't finish the year without wishing our beloved DB aka Seal Whisperer, A Happy Heavenly Birthday!

He will always be a part of this blog and forever be a part of my monk seal ohana. I know there are many many lives he touched and everyone has their loving memories of him.  I am sure if you closed your eyes and pretended you just called him, you can hear his voice "DB Here"  
I often refer to the friendships that have been made through the years watching over the seals. The passion, the knowledge, the fun of learning about the seals came from my Sensei.

In this post I am also including video that was shared with me on social media. I know for a fact DB would have been tickled to view this.  So my friend this is for you!

 The footage was taken by Helge Weissig while diving with Michele Aloha Way.  Thank you for sharing this amazing footage and turning it into an educational piece. 

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I would call DB at the end of my east Oahu shifts to check out. He always (ALWAYS) closed with "Go home! Drink beer!"

Lifting a glass to you tonight.