Friday, December 10, 2021

12/10/2021 Friday Monk Seal Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn heard from her neighbor that there was a monk seal on her morning walk. Marilyn wasn't sure of the exact spot but checked several locations. Finally she was thrilled to find R016 Right Spot.  Marilyn hasn't seen her in a long time. Volunteers were on site setting up a SRA zone. 
Right Spot R016: adult size, newer coat, female belly, large scar on upper chest, curved line scar on left cheek, numerous other dings and scars and her signature nb on her right side. She looks healthy, although some of the photos make her look thin.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 11:20 to 12:55 and there were four seal on island today.
Seal 1 - down from the 1BS. Subadult to adult size, lighter ventral side. She only had a head-on view so she was unable to determine if there were tags or gender.

Between Middle Cliff and the 3BS were two seals:
Seal 2 - large adult male, new coat, gray male belly, not sure about tags. Marilyn thinks this is the fully molted seal that she has referred to as "molting male".
Seal 3 - Marilyn only got a head on view, subadult to adult size, not sure about color of ventral size, gender or tags.
Seal 4 - initially up in the dunes near the 3BS: juvenile to subadult size, newer coat, light ventral side, not sure about gender or tags. There were no other distinguishing marks. 
Team R&B were at one of the locations trying to photograph sharks, when they noticed a seal land at tracks. The seal galumphed higher up on shore and rolled over. They were able to ID 407 Kawika.
Then they spotted another seal being followed by tourists and a cell phone. They watched and the seal landed and a couple went up close, the seal rolled back in the water and left.
Team R&B drove over and spoke with the couple about how the seal just wanted to rest.
They walked farther out to where Kawika was and when they arrived the other seal came back full speed ahead, looked at Kawika and landed. The boys had a few words and then settled. It was RH32 Kaale. 
Now the fun (not fun) part begins, a woman came by with dumb bells and exercised right there, seals were looking at her.  She was talking to them with her headphones on. Both seals took off but hung out in the water. The woman moved to where the seals had been and now the seals couldn't haul out. FINALLY she left, and right after that both seals galumphed up shore once again.

At another west side location they found the lovely lady RH76 Kala. She was alone and resting peacefully.

Team R&B made their way to the bay and spotted a chubby seal resting on the rocks. The seal was sleeping soundly. It was RL20 perfectly okay. He has the red feather hook, right corner of his mouth. But he is okay, snoozing in peace.
While there they saw whales today, there were lots of them !

Lastly they were fortunate once again to spot two seals on the rocks. There was the big fat one RL42 Leia Mom and next to her was her son RM31 Kai.  RL42 had thrown up some yellow spew. 
Very sweet to see mother and son hanging out together. Mom still keeping an eye out on her kid.

While keeping tabs on the seals, they heard a horrific sound, it was aircraft flying over them. It turned on its side at a high rate of speed and kept going. Rob was able to ID the jet as A-10 Thunder Bolt aka Warthog.  

Right Spot
Rabbit Island
second seal arrives
RH32 & R407
Look at this face !  Kaale
da boys RH32 and R407
RM31 and RL42

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