Saturday, December 4, 2021

12/04/2021 Saturday Monk Seal Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, Lesley and Team R&B💕   Lesley's weekly Ka'ena update is part two of the dailies.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 11:20 to 1 pm, finding two seals today. There were lots of surfers out by the Lanikai side of the island due to the north swell. They were busy enjoying themselves and not bothering any of the seals.
Near the 1BS was the molting male (MM). Adult size, male belly, mostly new coat and a tag on the RRF. Marilyn estimates he is about 90% molted.
About 100 feet Makapuu side of the 1BS was a S/M" subadult size, two tags, cream yellow male belly and a scar on the right side about 1/3 of the way up from the rear flippers.  Marilyn thinks there was also a scar on the left midline of the chin. She thinks this is likely RK24 Bruno/Wawamalu.

Team R&B started off observing two seals together at tracks. There was R407 Kawika, and RN14 Kalani. R407 had circles in the sand around him. RN14 was very alert.  
The day was very gray and rainy kind of day and there were still people out on the beaches.

They headed over to the outfall and spent time looking. They spotted their first seal foraging on the edge of the area. They determined it was R3CX Nalu. He eventually came in but never stole any fish.
Then they saw a second seal come into the outfall, fast and furious. This seal started stealing fish immediately. One of the fishers called out "That's Kaale!!"  Sure enough it was the master thief RH32 Kaale who continued to steal another fish from the fisher, who didn't mind.

Team R&B made a quick stop to another west side location and found RG28 Lefty on the rocks. He was off to the right, alone and snoozing in the rain. He is looking healthy and handsome.

The rains let up a bit so they took a chance and checked out the bay. Surf was pounding, no fishermen
and no schools of fish, no dolphins and no whales. Seems everyone had taken cover except for a couple of canoes and boats fighting the big waves.
They were walking away when they saw something move and lo and behold there was a seal. There was RL20 Kalua, who was very alert as a few people were walking about and spotted him.
He has reddish color on right corner of his mouth. There were no lines and it might have just been fur. RL20 flipped to his side and settled down for a long nap. He was pretty much dry and blended in so well in the rocks.

Rabbit Island
R407 & RN14
Nalu R3CX
RH32 Kaale
Lefty RG28

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