Monday, December 13, 2021

12/13/2021 Monday Monk Seal Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 11:55 to 1:50 and there were only two seals during her observation.
In the vicinity of the 3BS there were two seals near each other.
RK24 Wawamalu/Bruno: subadult size, two tags, yellowish male belly and a small scar on right side about 1/3 forward from rear flippers.
S/F : subadult size, cream-colored female belly and two tags. Marilyn did not see a nb that would be associated with RK37, so Marilyn doesn't think its RK37.  There is always hope RK38 who was also born  in 2018.

Team R&B got to the outfall and it was the place to be. They saw multiple seals fighting and foraging,
along with lots of tail slapping, splashing, one seal here another there. It made getting IDs a challenge. 
The first seal to be ID'd was Kekoa Alii RK72.  They saw Kekoa and RL20 together, nice to see the kid hanging out with the big guys. They also spotted R407 Kawika and RG28 Lefty.
The fighting/rough play continued in the water.  
They saw that one of the seals hauled out, it was Kekoa. Then one by one they landed, next was RG28 Lefty.  R407 Kawika hauled out next to Lefty.  Lefty made the rounds and met up with Kekoa.

Rabbit Island
Kekoa &RL20
Kekoa & Lefty
Lefty and R407
R407 Kawika
Not sure which beach but some idiots with their car on the beach driving on the sand with people around!

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