Thursday, December 16, 2021

12/16/2021 Thursday Monk Seal Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕

Team R&B started their day at tracks to check out the restoration/construction. The crew was out early dumping more sand and distributing it across the beach. That's when Nalu R3CX decided to haul out.
The crew (bless their hearts) put out sticks with yellow tape, as Team R&B watched. Nalu was fine especially since the workers were aware of him.
They left the immediate area but watched from afar. The wind blew the yellow tape off the sticks, and on the beach. One of the crew members ran out pulled all the tape off the ground. Bravo!!
Later on Team R&B returned for another check, when they saw some divers come up by Nalu. The crew kept their eye on Nalu and the divers. One diver was on the ground when a wave hit his orange float that washed up by Nalu. He got spooked and went shuffling away toward the water. The diver got up and moved away, Nalu stopped and stayed put.

Next stop they saw a seal hauling up on the rocks. The seal had a natural bleach spot on right side, they knew it was RN14 Kalani from Molokai. Nice to see him back on their side with his spiffy new coat.
Next seal up in the area was Kekoa ALii RK72. It took him a while to haul in for some reason, so Team R&B kept checking between him and Nalu from afar. Finally RK72 had hauled up on the rocks. He is big, fat and green!
They left the area for a while and then returned to find R407 Kawika had landed on the rocks.  That wasn't the end of the boys club today. The next one to show up was the kid RL20 too. He made his way across from Kawika.

At last they made there way to another west side location they found Lefty RG28 on mid rocks. He had the place all to himself today. Guess he didn't get the invite to the boys meeting up today.
Team R&B noted that the recent rain and floods have changed many of the areas where the seals used to haul out. There is a lot of mud, driftwood, debris and large boulders.

Nalu R3CX
Yellow tape
RL20 joining the big boys

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