Sunday, December 12, 2021

12/12/21 Sunday (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

It was a busy week due to the rain. Luckily we closed the permitted vehicle access of park last Friday, so we didn't have to over worry with cars. The main concern was on the birds. They seemed fine. On Friday I went out with the PRC team to do the candling of the eggs and mark the future foster parents

I was only able to hike in on Wednesday to do assessment of the rain after math. The roads took a big hit. On the paved side there was a big film production happening. On Thursday Team T&D joined me on the monitoring, it was so pleasant that we came back around 5PM. 
The seals don't mind the rain as they don't mind the big swells.
RO40 Ka'ena finished his molt this week and is looking great. Right now, all the seals that are frequenting here have molted.
RL74 Kami looks great without her hook and there's only a green stain where it was
RN14 Molokai and RJ40 'E'ena have been here all week. They have been a pair even on days with 4 seals on the same beach those two were side by side.
R303 BGRW02 PVKauai and R330 Squinty have been up and down the coast. Everyday overnighting and spending the day on a beach only to be found on a completely different location the next day.
More soon ğŸŒº

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