Sunday, December 19, 2021

12/19/2021 Sunday Monk Seal Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island today from 10:55 to 1:05 and there were a total of four seals on island.
Initially there were three seals and a fourth arrived at 11:51 am. 
On LPB  was an U/S #1: subadult to adult size, yellowish ventral side, Marilyn wasn't sure about gender or tags, so reported as unknown.
Between 1BS and 2BS was an J/F: juvenile size, light female belly and Marilyn is reasonably sure there were two tags. Since there was no nb on LFF it is not RP24, and with two tags for sure not P04.
About 40 feet Lanikai side of the 3BS was a S/F: subadult size, yellowish female belly and two tags. She started out up in the dunes but later moved down to the waterfront rocks.
Then at 11:51 Marilyn became aware of U/S#2: juvenile to subadult size, newer coat and 2 tags. US#2 hauled out about 30 feet Makapuu of the 1BS. There may be a scar on the right mid-side which would suggest this is RK24, but since she could not determine gender it is reported as unknown.

While at a west side location Team R&B saw two seals galumphing fast on the rocks. By the time they could get to them, both seals had moved to the front of the rocks settling down.
They ID'd RH76 Kala being pursued by RG28 Lefty. The two remained there throughout the day.

Team R&B went to check out tracks, seeing a seal that almost landed and then decided to move on. They were unable to get an ID, there just wasn't enough time. The seal got close to a paddler who had no idea it was near him.

Team R&B set out and not finding lots of seals but did enjoy the scenery, rainbows, dolphins enjoying themselves. 
Finally they spotted Kekoa Alii RK72 hauling up on the rocks. Soon after they spot RN14 Kalani arrive and land on the rocks to the left.
Team R&B were watching someone fishing near the seals when they spot another seal hidden in the rocks. Checking it out they discovered little RL20.
They continued on their search checking out different spots, but no other seals were around.  They did get a beautiful look at the coastline.

Rabbit Island
Kala RH76 & RG28 Lefty
Kekoa Alii RK72

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