Another 2 in 1 report for the blog.
RW02 PVKauai has been overnighting and spending the day at our doorstep in a very slow-motion molt. The kid loves it here and is stretching his vacay.
R330 BG made her way to the point and enjoyed her favorite tide pool
Little RL74 Kami was none bellie up in the middles of black reefs.
At the point I got to see the bird I saw last week from our driveway turns out it's a Glaucous-winged Gull. There are 2 of them in the area. That's really cool and another thing to look for while monitoring.
Needless to say that the point is full action with the arrival of the Albatrosses - there's a lot of whistling and courting going on.
This morning's first check was on RW02 PVKauai, there he was stretched out enjoying the beach - he spent the day here only going down to cool off and then back up again. His molt his @ 70%
Out at the point R303 Squinty was doing the hippo in a tide pool.
Selfish I know but I'm glad only he was out there, cause there were many visitors and a lot for me to do. more soon - Be safe 

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