It was almost two weeks ago when I first received an email from a gentleman named Murray from Australia. He was bringing his family to Hawaii and they wanted to see a monk seal and was hoping I could point him in the right direction. I explained the seals haul outs are unpredictable, but to contact me when he arrived and I could possibly point him in the right direction.
Long story short, Murray and his family spotted a seal at Turtle Bay, Hanauma Bay AND on the Big Island. I was thrilled they got to experience not just one but multiple sightings and that he and his family was able to see this beautiful creature. Also I would like to believe we were raising awareness to the plight of our critically endangered monk seals.
IF you care about saving the species, if you are responsible for doing this, then don't forget, people are watching and listening, so make sure you are sending the best possible message to help save this species.
Team Billand started their day with an unusual observation when they went to check the outfall.
They spotted two seals off shore playing with the floater that divers use. The seals were grabbing it, mouthing it, swimming around it. (Reminds me of my pups playing with their toys). Then Team Billand saw three divers trying to get their float back and then the seals took off. By the way Team Billand was able to ID the seals as RG28 Lefty and Kolohe RW22.
Lefty stayed and settled in and on a later check he was still there sleeping.
At 10:30 Team Billand arrived at Paradise cove with hopes they would be there to see Kolohe arrive. It took a while and then Kolohe landed on the reef. Team Billand called the hotline and waited, when no one arrived they spoke with Auntie who was going to do her best to keep an eye on him. They had put up two signs on the corners to the channel.
Team Billand headed back to the west side and arrived to a site to find five seals, from noon to 1:45 pm.
RW02 PvKauai was on the edge of play boy pond. Apparently snoozing and peeing while he slept.
R3CX Nalu was next to RW02, then entered into the play boy pond. Guess that was against the rules, RW02 let him know to stay out of his face and Nalu backed off.
Rl20 Kalua was part of the group out there.
RR70 RIP mostly stayed to the left of lower rocks, not doing much interaction or moving.
Kekoa Alii RK72 was mid area, then moved to the waterhole. At one point or another all the seals fought for the water hole but in the end Kekpa won the big waterhole and stayed there the entire visit.
Eventually R3CX would join Kekoa and both remained.
Murray's first monk seal sighting K81
Meet Murray and his son at Hanauma Bay
Kolohe RW22 & Lefty RG28 Playing with the divers tube
Kolohe at Paradise Cove
Kolohe on Westside with Lefty
RG28 Lefty
R3CX Nalu
RW02 PvKauai
RL20 Kalua
R3CX Nalu
Nalu and Kekoa
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